Fast Orthodontic Treatment Results

Fast Orthodontic Treatment Results
In today’s world instant gratification is key. When it comes to seeing results, especially cosmetic, the faster the better. With most dental and orthodontic treatments instant results are not typically guaranteed. However, there are many ways to help maximize and speed up your results. The Art of Braces offers a new “next generation” type of braces to speed up the process. Below are some of our top tips and new methods to help ensure that you get the results you want in as little time as possible.
- Keep Your Appointments There are a few reasons why missing appointments is not beneficial. With regular appointments Dr.Benson can diagnose problems and prevent issues from becoming sever and more difficult to correct. The longer you put off reoccurring appointments and follow ups the longer it takes for you to get results.
- Follow Your Doctor’s Directions Many people think they know best or don’t necessarily need to follow their doctors’ orders. However, you are seeing a licensed doctor because you want them to fix a problem. If you don’t listen and follow your doctor’s directions about prevention, care, and maintenance then you will not see the maximum results. In some cases, not following your doctor’s directions could make the existing problem even worse!
- Take care of your appliances Take care of your appliances so they can do their job! By not taking care of appliances you can hinder the way they are designed to work. This prolongs the results they are supposed to provide.
The Pitts21 Self-Ligating Brackets
This new and innovative treatment as an alternative to standard braces is changing the orthodontic game and is proudly offered by Dr. Saoly Benson. The Pitts21 Brackets are designed to reduce treatment time by using improved early 3D control of torque, tip and rotation. This means less and shorter appointment times!
These brackets offer remarkable patient comfort by using square wire finishing, rounded corners and edges that are soft against patients lips, and protrude less which provides less irritation. 3D control can use as few as 4 wires to promote efficient tooth movement. Most importantly the Pitts21 system uses active and early protocols, enabling the creation of stunning smiles.
For more information or to schedule a consultation please contact us or call (702) 800-4698.